Saturday, July 31, 2010

My First 5k

I did it.  I completed my first 5k on July 24. The race began at 7:30am.  The temperature was fine, but the humidity seemed a bit high and I have decided that I really dislike humidity.  But I did it. I completed it in 36:43, although the clock time was a bit higher at 37:35. I realize this is not a particularly speedy time, but I am pleased with the results seeing how this was my first experience at a group run, not to mention I had barely practiced for the previous 2 1/2 weeks due to a cold and vacation. There were 600 finishers.

Race Results

Friday, July 23, 2010

Vacation Runs

Unfortunately I did not get in all the hikes and runs I had intended on vacation recently. Partly the weather was too blame and partly the fact that I had a cold a few days before vacation and the entire first week of my vacation.  I did however manage to get in a couple of short runs and record them on my garmin and I even have a photo that my husband took from the hotel room window which was on the 14th floor. Pretty cool. Be sure to click on the photo for a larger image.

Here is my run in the historic district of Philadelphia. This was the first run I had done in about 10 days, the weather was hot and muggy. But it was a lot of fun running past the Liberty Bell and other historic sites.

I also managed, thanks to my brother, to get in a run in Central Park in NYC.  I would have really regretted not doing that.  I am sure he would have preferred to go further and faster, but I appreciate that he stuck with me as I plodded slowly along. 

We walked a lot on our vacation, but I have no idea how many miles or how far we went.  I really need to wear my garmin regularly if I want to keep track of these sorts of things.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Practice 5k

I woke up and decided I needed to run a practice 5k to see where I am at for the real 5k that takes place in a couple of weeks.  I have a 5k route mapped out in my neighborhood.  I was hoping to finish it in 40 minutes...yes, I know that is slow to most people, but I have to start somewhere.  I was pretty happy with the results.  3.13 miles in 36.51, not bad, considering I am still walking 1 minute after every 3 minutes of running. I did run the last 6 minutes or so this time though.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Training Update (again)

ok, so plans have changed a little. Originally I had intended to do a 5k on July 3.  I am perfectly capable of completing a 5k now, yet I was not all that excited about the race I planned to enter. I found one that sounds much more fun and it is only a couple weeks later.

So the new goal is to complete the 5k at Waunafest in Waunakee on July 24.  It is a larger venue with a good number of participants. I think the range of skill levels is wider for this run and that is what I am looking for. A crowd of a few hundred people or more with a wide variety of abilities from beginner to the very experienced runner.  I have registered and am committed to participate.  Of course, it is only a few days after I return from vacation, so I need to make sure I keep up the training while traveling.

Now for an update on where I am at for my planned half-marathon.  I am pretty pleased with my Monday morning run this week.  Check it out:  7 plus miles

I still have two and a half months to train. Plenty of time to add another 6 miles or so.  I hope!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

6 miles

Today I met my goal of completing 15 interval sets (3 minutes running/2 minutes walking) and went a distance of 6 miles.  It felt great.  Of course there is a long way to go before I am ready for the half-marathon.  When I was done with today's training I realized that I was just under half the distance I am training for.  I plan to add about 10 minutes to my time each weekend which should keep me on pace to be able to finish the race in September.

Here is a record of today's training run:

Ice Age Trail -- Whitewater segment

May 29

Today we went for a pretty decent hike on another portion of the Ice Age Trail.  This time is was near Whitewater. The trail was in pretty good condition, there were few people out there when we were, but the mosquitoes were swarming all around us.  Luckily for us, Deep Woods Off lived up to its promise.  I think we came home without one bite. 

The trail was close to 9 miles total out and back.  The hike took just under three hours.  Of course we stopped here and there for some photos.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ice Age Trail -- Table Bluff Segment

May 24

We hiked a  portion of the Ice Age Trail called the Table Bluff Segment located just west of Madison early on Monday morning.  The weather has been unseasonably hot so far this year, so the hike was a bit difficult at times.  Although the overall distance of this particular segment, out and back, was just 5 miles.

more to come